It's Official
It's official - in the run up to the 7 November election - it is clear now that the Republicans, Democrats, and the media covering them have all lost their minds. I was taught at an early age that those I dislike the most generally exhibit some personal trait of mine that I want to deny having - i.e. "remove the timber from thine own eye..." kind of thing. I finally figured out the hate relationship between Republicans and the press - their lips are moving in both camps (as in "how do you know a lawyer is lying? His lips......"). What I can't figure out is why any reasonable adult would continue to take seriously anything the media or a politician might blurt out in the heat of the moment - their lips are moving. In the midst of this hate-fest, the Democrats can't even stay out of their own way.
There must be a sizable majority out there (somewhere) concerned enough about the seriousness of democracy to hesitate in allowing any of these people to represent us. (?) Or is that really it - who is more 'patriotic,' marriage for a man and woman, parading around under "mission accomplished" banners, if you're not for us you're against America, the troops are uneducated, evolution is just a 'theory'....are these really the election themes appealing to the majority of the citizens of this country?????? Please tell me I'm wrong.
Please tell me that the nature of politicians is to serve us, the electorate - and that the current disservice being done by all of them warrants a resounding rebuke from the electorate. Please tell me that as adults we have rationally considered our current state of affairs and have decided upon a course of action. We can have faith, certainly, but I don't think God is partisan - and though He hasn't told me directly (I am jealous of the conversations He seems to have with some politicians, though) I'm pretty certain who holds what seat in the senate is of little consequence to Him.
In short - I'm tired of listening to politicians talk (even those who shoot first seem to need to talk quite a bit in defense of their aim), I'm tired of listening to the media talking about politicians talking - and, quite frankly, I'm tired of politicians of all flavors telling me what is best for me. It is now time for us, the people that do the work, pay the bills, educate the children and defend the nation to tell the politicians what they WILL do for us - or they won't have a job. If we could only get them to shut up for a minute for us to get the message to them.
On the other hand, maybe I am wrong - maybe this is exactly what the electorate wants. In that case, may God have mercy on us all.
There must be a sizable majority out there (somewhere) concerned enough about the seriousness of democracy to hesitate in allowing any of these people to represent us. (?) Or is that really it - who is more 'patriotic,' marriage for a man and woman, parading around under "mission accomplished" banners, if you're not for us you're against America, the troops are uneducated, evolution is just a 'theory'....are these really the election themes appealing to the majority of the citizens of this country?????? Please tell me I'm wrong.
Please tell me that the nature of politicians is to serve us, the electorate - and that the current disservice being done by all of them warrants a resounding rebuke from the electorate. Please tell me that as adults we have rationally considered our current state of affairs and have decided upon a course of action. We can have faith, certainly, but I don't think God is partisan - and though He hasn't told me directly (I am jealous of the conversations He seems to have with some politicians, though) I'm pretty certain who holds what seat in the senate is of little consequence to Him.
In short - I'm tired of listening to politicians talk (even those who shoot first seem to need to talk quite a bit in defense of their aim), I'm tired of listening to the media talking about politicians talking - and, quite frankly, I'm tired of politicians of all flavors telling me what is best for me. It is now time for us, the people that do the work, pay the bills, educate the children and defend the nation to tell the politicians what they WILL do for us - or they won't have a job. If we could only get them to shut up for a minute for us to get the message to them.
On the other hand, maybe I am wrong - maybe this is exactly what the electorate wants. In that case, may God have mercy on us all.
Great work Scott. Nice to see you are still the "Thinker".
Lance T. Goth
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