
"In the middle of the journey of our life, I came to myself in a dark wood, where the direct way was lost. It is a hard thing to speak of - how wild, harsh, and impenetrable that wood was - so that thinking of it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death; but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there." (Dante)

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Location: Wisconsin, United States


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

In Harm's Way

From this old, retired, Sailor to those of you in harm's way - peace be with you and your families. Beyond that - you know the score - take care of each other as best you can. See you at fleet's landing.

Tailgaters - "If you can read this..."

I don't drive slow - in fact, I'm generally on the other side of the legal speed limit, though I haven't received any kind of citation (ticket) in the past 15 years - and have never been involved in a traffic accident. I've driven in Okinawa (on the left side of the street from a right hand drivers seat - manual transmission shifted with the left hand - try that some time) - small, narrow streets - small narrow cars - pushed as fast as they can go.

I've driven in Italy - traffic lights and lane lines are all just "suggestions" and ignored when inconvenient to the driver. If you aren't prepared to put the other guy on the curb - then he'll put you there. Not to mention the virtual "no speed limit" driving on the autostrade (similar to the autobahn in Germany). If you aren't doing 200 km an hour - stay out of the left hand lane.

I've driven cross-country here in the U.S. 8 times - coast to coast. And then there's 30 years of just regular old back and forth to work driving in between.

So, when I'm tooling along at 70 mph, keeping up with traffic or minding my own business on an isolated country road on the way home - WHY IS IT NECESSARY TO PUT YOUR FRONT TIRES IN THE BED OF MY TRUCK???????????????

If I'm not doing the 90 mph you want to do - then pass me - it's infinitely safer to pass me than to do what you're doing. I will take every evasive action available to me to avoid the deer or dog or kid on a bike - and if you're in my rear axle - you will never have a chance - and I won't care that you get a windshield full of the backend of the truck - you determined how closely you were following.

Basically, I'm tired of driving for the two of us - since I now have to provide more distance between me and the next vehicle - in the event something happens up front of us - I've got to be able to slow gradually so you won't kill yourself.

Now - you may be thinking, "I'm a great driver - better than you - and my reflexes are such that I'll never hit you." Take it from me - you're not a great driver - and since you're tailgating me - it's likely you're a bad driver.

I rode a bike (motorcycle) for ten years in my youth - 18 to 28 - you don't get a second chance on a motorcycle - if you're hit on a street bike, you're either dead or at best a vegetable for someone else to care for. Every, and I mean EVERY, vehicle on the road is just looking to hit a motorcycle - even if the driver doesn't realize that is what they are doing. I learned defensive driving on a bike.

Basically - I don't want you anywhere near me because you can't drive.

So - if you're a tailgater - meaning you're within ten feet of the back of my vehicle at 70 mph - and you happen to see a big red truck in front of you - just pass and do the 80 or 90 mph you want to do. Otherwise, we'll just start going slower, and slower, and slower - while I'm waiting for the cop to show up that I called as soon as you climbed on my bumper - because you're obviously drunk.

Be thankful it's not Italy - you'd have been on the curb a long time ago.

If this makes you angry - good - then you know it's meant for you.

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